I equip divorcees and remarried women with strategies and tools to improve their confidence, love life, and marriage.


learn how to fool proof your 2nd marriage

As a divorced woman you know that happily ever after is not a guarantee. And a successful marriage requires more than love and bubble gum, but you learned that the hard way. I have a few tips and some major strategies in my bag to help you reclaim your happiness. Find out how to work with me.


divorced does not equal damaged

In the best selling book Divorced Does Not Equal Damaged, acclaimed relationship expert Miss Council offers a relatable journey through the foundations of rebuilding after divorce for a successful 2nd marriage, turning over a decade of experience into practical tips anyone can use to improve their love life and family.


“Miss Council is a great listener, refreshingly honest and very analytical. She is able to facilitate counseling in a way to that blossoms the discussion. Working with her you get the best look at your situation and a perspective to change your life.”

—Latisha | Workshop Intensive Attendee

Let’s Chat.

Book a conversation to strategize on your next steps to live you best life after divorce. I can’t wait to speak with you.